Links of Interest
Links to some of our friends web sites and other web sites of interest related to handmade pens, fountain pens, inks, wood turning, wood species, etc.
If you have a website with related information and would like to link to JC Wood Pens, please contact me with your information and details. I would be happy to add worthwhile Links of interest to site visitors. I am also interested in the possibility of linking to your website if we have things in common, so let me know. Contact by email. |
The Resources Page
There is also a Resources Page with reference material and articles of general interest. This section is mainly for reading related to wood turning, wood working, etc. and not just links to web sites.
The Resources Page is located here. |
- Travel Chicken - A site dedicated to my mother-in-law and her travel chicken.
- The Pinto Horse Association of America (see my Special Projects Page.)
- Weebly - A site for web site design and templates (JC Wood Pens uses Weebly).
- Newman Marchive Carlisle, Inc. Architects and Environmental Consultants.
- The Historic New Orleans Collection - Museum, Research Center & Publisher.
- Aero Images 318 LLC - Drone video and photography.